About Virtual PA

Meet some of the core team ready and waiting to
support your business 

We’re here for you

Virtual PA Co was founded in 2001 to enable small businesses to have access to the same professional assistance as large corporations without the need to negotiate the red tape around employment.

And all at a fraction of the price of a full-time salary.

The business model was, and remains, very simple. Sharing a person’s time makes it cheaper for everyone. Contributing to the costs of a small team allow for full-time support at a part-time price. We like to keep it personal though, getting to know your Virtual PA and her small backup team and training them up on how you like things done is a vital part for a more in-depth service.

Since the beginning we’ve been learning new skills and honing old ones to provide a top quality service. We use many systems and platforms on each call to maximise value for money and ensure clients get the most out of each caller. Off call we’re well versed in CRM, marketing and accounting platforms and can naturally help with emails, messages and social accounts.

How we can help

Call answering

Call handling



Mailing Address

Call answering

Call handling



Mailing Address

All services come with monthly packages that enable you to retain control over your monthly spend, you can change at any time. See our terms for more information and enjoy the flexibility they provide.

Our Ethics

Culturally we’re all about looking after each other and our clients. Accidentally female-founded and led, everyone’s input counts. Everyone shares in the financial surplus, company loans are available to all, flexibility is the key and we all have a keen desire to ensure that everyone is happy in their work – this is a vital part of team and business success for us.

We also recognise that moving on is a fact of life and something we encourage everyone to talk openly about. To that end, we’ve helped a number of our team move into their own businesses, into work abroad or just on to better things. We’re into consensus-based decision making, democratic culture and we’re on a journey to neutralise our carbon emissions.

meet the team

We’ve been in our lovely office for almost 20 years and our core team have been around for much of that.


Our founder, a business consultant who needed a way to get some admin help in 2001 and wondered if sharing the wages of a secretary with some mates might work out. A glass of wine and a spreadsheet later, she realised she had a business idea… rented an office, bought a telephone system and hired three PAs. These days she spends time helping some of our customers with more complex and often financial issues on an advisory basis.


Clare is our finance and operations manager, she’s been with us since 2013 and is a lynchpin of the business.

‘I love it here, the culture, the openness, the flexibility is just great. I can work at home when I need to for my children and yet I can’t wait to get back to the office when the school term starts. It just works really well.’


Our social media consultant, who looks after all things creative and shows off just how lovely we are across all the channels. There’s a direct link between new business enquiries and activity levels on the ‘socials’ and she helps us do it brilliantly.

‘I had no concept of a virtual call handling service until I joined – it’s amazing seeing just how much the team does for their clients and such a relief for business owners to know we’ve got their back.’


Kerinder has been with us for almost half our life! As our longest serving senior PA she knows all there is to know about being an amazing Virtual PA and is our go to for a calm head and a steady hand.

‘It’s just the best company to work for. You can suggest anything or ask anything and your thoughts and ideas always count. I just love it here, the clients are great, the team is like my family, I wouldn’t want to work anywhere else.’


Senior PA Karolina is relatively new by comparison. Taking to Virtual PA work like a proverbial duck to water, she quickly got to grips with all the ropes and now we couldn’t do without her.

‘I’m just amazed at how much I love the job and the team and my clients. It’s like a family, you know, we are friends as well as colleagues and the great communication we have mean we always put the client first.’

I have loved working with Virtual PA Co. The fact that I never miss a call has undoubtedly made my business more profitable. They are really easy to work with and go the extra mile to make my life simpler. Fantastic team.

– Matthew H

send us a message

If you have questions about our services and how we can help, drop us a message here and we’ll be happy to answer them: